What is Client Centered Therapy, Lessons from Carl Rogers

Why Client-Centered Therapy?

I’m just going to come out and say it:  I’m a big Carl Rogers fan.  I was fortunate to come across his book, On Becoming a Person (1961), in my early years as a therapist.  Rogers’s client-centered psychotherapy has informed my …
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Pendulation Technique for Coping with Distress Houston Trauma Therapy

Coping with Distress: Pendulation Technique

Pendulation is a key technique from Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing (SE).  SE is a therapeutic approach that is informed by our biology and our inborn ability to heal from trauma.  I originally learned this technique from Pam Stockton, who specializes …
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Coping with Distress: Hand-over-Heart Technique

Today I want to share one of my favorite techniques for calming distress and anxiety.  It’s easy, straightforward, and you can use this tool even when you don’t have a lot of time.  I call this the hand-over-heart technique. I …
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Building a safe space to help heal from trauma, depression, anxiety

Coping with Distress: Building a Safe Space

As a Houston counselor and psychotherapist, I work a lot with clients who struggle to feel safe.  Safety can mean many different things, and lack of safety could look like: Worrying that your feelings are too big or too powerful …
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